Cuan na Gaillimhe - A Steiner Education
Reopening and Covid-19 Response Plan
A Letter From the Principal
As you are aware, our school has now been closed since 12th March, 2020 due to the COVID-19 situation. We are now hoping to re-open our school safely, in line with current guidance and recommendations.
Re-opening the school safely will require the co-operation of all members of our School Community – BoM, School Leadership, Staff, Parents and Pupils. We will all be called on to play our part in ensuring that re-opening of the school is done in a safe manner which prevents the spread of the virus and allows the vital work of Teaching and Learning to proceed with as little disruption as possible.
The COVID-19 Response Plan for the safe and sustainable reopening of Primary and Special Schools gives details of:
Physical preparation, signage, hand sanitiser stations,
Advice, procedures and training for the safe return to working in the school for all school staff and pupils
General and specific advice on how all pupils, staff, parents and visitors will prevent the spread of the virus
Click here for our COVID-19 Policy Statement.
Click here for the CNG CNS Return to School Action Plan.
Click below for Drop Off & Collection procedures:
Drop off & Collection -Infants
Drop off & Collection -1st to 4th class
Our Board of Management will continue to keep you informed as to any changes to our re-opening plans and provide you with the information required by you to play your part in safely re-opening the school.
Le meas
Deirdre Broderick